WNBA and NBA Pay Gap : Explained

WNBA and NBA Pay Gap – Average WNBA player salary is 1% of average NBA player salary.

The average salary of an NBA player is 7.7M. In the WNBA, it’s closer to 75,000, so the female athletes are making about 1% of the salaries of their male counterparts. This is significantly low. Why is this? Well, there are differences in years of experience. Women around the world are put down because of their “lack” of capabilities.

One of the most controversial topics being discussed are the inequalities that come with sports regarding gender, popularity, and the product in leagues. What makes a man better than a woman? What makes a woman better than a man? The world of sports holds many drawbacks as well as things that make it what it is today. Realistically, men have more of an advantage than women considering the fact that mens’ muscle mass tends to be more discernible in the upper body, while women often have more of an immense amount in the lower body. Biologically, women also process oxygen approximately 30 percent faster than men. The cause of testosterone induced muscular hypertrophy is the greater muscle mass that men possess. In the WNBA and the NBA, what gender holds more superiority?

Sexism has always been a problem in any industry.

In the 18th century, they were forced to take part in roles that are now often used as an insult in the 21st century. These include working in the kitchen, tending after children, etc. They are driven out of the workforce and industries to direct themselves to caregiving and many unpaid obligations. Women aren’t given the same opportunities as men. Those in the WNBA get less than those in the NBA even though they play the same game with the same materialistic matter. Women are shot down from what they want to pursue more often than men are shot down.

Because it is proven that men are more athletically capable than women, this creates a different look in the leagues. The products have the same goal, but the outcome is vastly different. Men and women play the same game, just in divergent ways. Those on the more wealthy path tend to lean towards leagues who are earning more; naturally, the NBA are doing so because they have been around longer than the WNBA. People follow what is already successful. The NBA has been established since November 1st, 1946, while the WNBA was established on April 24th, 1996. This makes a 50 year difference. Had those 50 years been less, there would have been more popularity in the WNBA. It isn’t easy for people to find other associations whilst following an association with the same game. The product in the NBA is more appealing to people because of the flexibility and athleticism in the players. The more athleticism there is, the more memorable shots there are, which brings the crowd closer and more engaged. Drawing in fans requires moments of euphoria and tension. This keeps their attention captured and secure. People pay to watch players dunk and own the court. There are thousands of dunks done each year. In this case, we may be seeing less of that in the WNBA.

This brings a point in time where the differences are extremely plentiful. Having the time for the NBA to evolve, there is an immense count for them to train and practice causing players to have the more elite plays. This attracts attention. Although both women and men are playing the same sport, it depends on how it is delivered.

Image Credits – Sky Sports

Ballarelife.com claims “similarly, many WNBA games are scheduled at or during times throughout the week when no other sports leagues are playing. From baseball, to football, to men’s basketball, the WNBA is competing at similar time slots as these more popular leagues. Doing so forces potential fans to choose between different leagues, with most fans opting for other sports.”

Having sports enthusiasts pick between sports and leagues will give benefit to one side and leave nothing for the other. In this case, it is a pick between watching the WNBA versus the NBA. Majority will choose the NBA because they have been established for much longer. Some may even take it to the extent of staying loyal.

This comes to a point where a lot of people aren’t exposed to the world of women’s basketball. In thevarsity.ca, “Secondly, the two leagues target two different consumer bases. A goal for more WNBA players is to have young girls watch them play, but this goal is taking a while to accomplish. In an interview in 2018, Washington Mystics forward Elena Delle Donne said, ‘I just believe that young women haven’t seen us. And you can’t follow something you haven’t seen.’”

Is viewership to blame for the revenue gap and hence less pay to WNBA players?

The main argument against paying WNBA players more is that the league simply isn’t profitable, because no one watches it.


Young women aren’t exposed to sports played by their own genders. Sports are very often played by men, which are also orchestrated by men. Women rigorously train and practice to be on the court; not many people are aware or acknowledge this. They don’t get as much attention as men do, hence the NBA gets more money. Not everything is what it appears to be. The WNBA does not get enough credit or attention for various reasons, generating a large difference in wage gaps.

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