Steph Curry diet and workout: How does the Golden State Warriors talisman remain in pristine condition?

The most well-known NBA shooter of all time is Stephen Curry. Steph has won several awards, including Most Valuable Player (twice), NBA Three-Point Contest Champion (2015), and many more for his decision to take the three-point shot and for captivating the crowd with his exceptional playing abilities. Also, Steph has won 4 NBA titles with the Golden State Warriors.

However, this is not the topic of our conversation; rather, we will speak about his extraordinary eating patterns. Yes, our favorite basketball player adheres to a rigorous diet and exercise routine.

Image Credits – NBC Sports

Curry is very committed to his diet, workout routine, and training. He has established a routine to maintain his flexibility and fitness via meticulous monitoring. Here is the strict eating regimen the player sticks to in order to keep his athletic form.


Stephen Curry Diet Plan


Fresh fruit smoothies, avocado toast, cereals, fresh fruits, milk, and eggs provide the majority of his morning energy.


The player keeps fit by eating quinoa for protein, lean meat, sandwiches with chicken or fish, and fresh fruits and vegetables for fiber. He uses sweet potatoes, flaxseeds, and shrimp as supplies of carbohydrates or fat for a variety of needs.


Steph eats pasta (sometimes), chicken, salad, flaxseeds, and quinoa for dinner to ensure he gets all the nutrition she needs.


The player enjoys popcorn, peanut butter sandwiches, and jelly sandwiches and will typically consume one of these before a game as a pre-game snack.

Image Credits – Washington Post

Stephen Curry’s diet plan is quite well-balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients that the body needs. In addition, each meal’s timing is superbly controlled. Steph is constantly laser-focused on his rigorous diet plan and avoids eating anything substantial after sundown.

Stephen Curry Workout Plan

Basketball is so easy to play for Stephen Curry. He has gained a lot of notoriety for consistently pulling off seemingly impossible achievements in front of his admirers and the media. But one has to wonder how Stephen Curry is able to handle everything.

The credit for turning him from a tiny college like Davidson into a point guard for the Golden State Warriors belongs to his driven mentality and his hard work ethic. So, his tenacity extends beyond the sporting arena.

The weekly workout that Stephen Curry performs is available below:

Stephen Curry Monday Workout – Chest

  • Push-ups of 25 reps 3 sets
  • Nautilus presses of 15 reps 3 sets
  • Nautilus incline presses of 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Pec deck machine of 15 reps 3 sets
  • Bench press of 6 reps 4 sets
  • Dumbbell fly of 8 reps 4 sets
  • Incline dumbbell press of 8 reps 4 sets

Stephen Curry Tuesday Workout – Back

  • 5 pull-ups 3 sets
  • Seated rows of 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Lat pulldowns of 15 reps 3 sets
  • T bar rows of 20 reps 3 sets

Stephen Curry Wednesday Workout – Shoulders

  • Arnold presses of 20 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell lateral raises of 15 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell front raises of 15 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell overhead press of 8 reps 4 sets
  • Lateral raise of 12 reps 4 sets
  • Front rise of 12 reps 4 sets
  • Shrugs of 8-10 reps 4 sets

Stephen Curry Thursday Workout – Biceps, and Triceps

  • Nautilus curls of 15 reps 3 sets
  • Z bar cable curls of 10-15 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell hammer curls of 15 reps 3 sets
  • Tricep press downs of 15-20 reps 3 sets

Friday – Cardio work

  • Treadmill running for 45 minutes

Saturday – Rest day

Sunday – Rest day


If you pay close attention, you will see that the items Steph consumes are not extraordinary. Instead, they are readily accessible over the counter. His diet is not complicated; rather, it is a straightforward food plan that everyone can adhere to.



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