Nate Diaz to Participate in Dual Triathlons for Jake Paul Bout

In the lead-up to his much-anticipated professional boxing match against Jake Paul next month, Nate Diaz has announced his intention to participate in two triathlons. The 38-year-old former UFC star, renowned for his exceptional endurance and stamina, attributes his impressive cardio abilities to half-ironman tournaments that he and his brother Nick regularly engage in during their off-seasons. Diaz’s ability to go the distance over five rounds of five minutes has been a key factor in his career success, often resulting in victories over opponents with superior skill levels.

Diaz has challenged himself by participating in the renowned ‘Escape From Alcatraz’ triathlon, known for its treacherous swim from the island. Following in his brother’s footsteps, Nate Diaz has now set his sights on competing in two triathlons, despite being just a month away from his highly anticipated fight against Paul. This demonstrates the Diaz brothers’ commitment to pushing their physical limits and maintaining their endurance levels even in the midst of intense training and preparation for their respective bouts.

“I’ve got a race this weekend and next weekend also,” Diaz told the Pat McAfee Show. “But this one’s going to be in a lake so that’s good. Those are my favourite races, I never did Alcatraz though, my brother did it. I would have done that one but we race all year long and about a week or two out I try not to do too big of races.

Both Nate and his brother Nick maintain their racing schedules regardless of being in a fight camp, and their upcoming boxing show is no exception. However, Nate has a particular aversion to participating in the swimming portion of triathlons that involve open-water swims. He admits to having concerns about potential shark encounters, which has led to a fear of being eaten. Despite this apprehension, Nate’s determination to compete and push his limits remains unwavering.

In addition, Diaz is known for his affinity for marijuana consumption, a habit that nearly jeopardized his and Paul’s fight venue in Dallas, Texas, due to the region’s stringent regulations against the drug. Diaz has playfully suggested that his performance in long-distance races would improve if he were able to indulge in marijuana while participating. “If I could smoke during them it would be better, because it makes me deal with it better,” he joked. “My whole career I have smoked weed and if I need to get a lot of s*** done, may as well get high. If you’re smoking a bunch of tobacco, nicotine and bull**** chemicals it’s bad, but not some natural weed.”