Eleven Days After Keeping Lindsay Lohan in the Dark, Ayesha Curry Opens Out About “Ultimate Honor,” Saying It “Makes Me Want to Cry.”

In the whirlwind of NBA headlines and family updates, the Curry household recently found itself at the center of attention once again as Ayesha and Stephen Curry welcomed yet another privilege into their lives. As anticipation swirled around the announcement of their fourth baby, a heartwarming tale of friendship and honor unfolded, highlighting the deep bonds shared not only within their family but also with their closest friends.

Before basking in the joy of impending parenthood, Ayesha Curry received what she described as the “ultimate honor” from her dear friend, Lindsay Lohan. Known not only for her talent in the entertainment industry but also for her close relationship with the Curry family, Lohan holds a special place as the godmother to Ayesha and Stephen’s three children.


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Ayesha Curry lays bare her ‘ultimate honor’ keeping Lindsay Lohan in dark

Their friendship, which blossomed in late 2022, quickly solidified into something extraordinary. Lohan, recognizing the significance of their bond, extended the honor of godmotherhood to Ayesha for her own son, Luai. Ayesha, deeply touched by this gesture, expressed her emotions in an interview with USA Today, stating, “For me, a godparent is a person that will shepherd the child spiritually… So for somebody to task me with being the person to do that, it makes me want to cry.”

However, when the question arose of whether Lohan would assume the role of godmother for the Curry’s fourth child, Ayesha remained coy during a radio interview, citing a family tradition of waiting until after the baby’s birth to make such decisions. Despite this playful evasion, Lohan took the opportunity to surprise Ayesha with her own honorable gesture, reinforcing the depth of their friendship and mutual respect.


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Meanwhile, Stephen Curry also found himself embracing a similar privilege as Luai’s godfather. As a four-time NBA champion and a beloved figure both on and off the court, Stephen welcomed his new role with joy and enthusiasm. Ayesha revealed that he expressed his love for his godson by sending an autographed jersey with a special message, reaffirming their bond and commitment to their godparent duties.

But amidst the excitement of impending parenthood and the honors of godparenthood, Stephen Curry’s professional team, the Golden State Warriors, faced challenges on the court as they navigated the final leg of the regular season. Despite this, the Curry family remained steadfast in their support for one another, drawing strength from their deep-rooted relationships and shared experiences.


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As the Curry family eagerly awaits the arrival of their newest addition, they continue to inspire others with their unwavering commitment to family, friendship, and the bonds that truly matter. Through their actions, they remind us of the power of love, loyalty, and the joy found in embracing life’s most precious moments, both on and off the basketball court.

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