Amid New York Jets Trade, Aaron Rodgers Spotted in Costa Rica at Ayahuasca Resort

We are unable to confirm with absolute confidence whether renowned tripping balls expert Aaron Rodgers engaged in tripping balls last week, but we can confirm that several people have claimed to have traveled through the Costa Rican jungle with the quarterback and his mentor Aubrey Marcus.

Rodgers informed Pat McAfee in January that he wouldn’t be tripping over balls until he made the important decision of whether to accept a trade to another team or to retire. “Perhaps after,” Rodgers replied when asked if he planned to experiment with the hallucinogenic concoction.


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Now that we know for sure, Rodgers appears to have spent the past week hiding out with pals at the Soltara Healing Centre, a place where individuals go to heal “in a safe and loving environment.” Morgan Hoffman, a well-known healer, and golfer, was present.

In the ayahuasca house was actor Mehcad Brooks. Aubrey Marcus, the master of deep thinking on Instagram and host of the Joe Rogan show, was there with his protege Rodgers.


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Even Tim Boyle, the New York Jets’ quarterback who had served as Aaron Rodgers’ backup in Green Bay, was there. Also present was a man by the name of Matas De Stefano, who hangs out with Rodgers’ purported ex-girlfriend Blu of Earth.

Travelers are offered a variety of ayahuasca “ceremonies” including a “vomitivo” ceremony at the Costa Rican resorts run by Soltara Healing Centre, where participants partake in a “purging party” that involves drinking lemongrass till they become sick. Aside from meditation, yoga classes, and “consultations with healers,” there are also flower baths.


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The Aaron Rodgers-Mr. Marcus party would have had the opportunity to trip balls for three consecutive nights for the low, cheap sum of $4,000–5,250 even if they remained for five nights. The guys could trip balls FOUR times in five days if they lasted for seven nights before being eventually transported back to the outside world.

Tim Boyle, the new Jets quarterback, was also in the car, which is a bizarre coincidence given their past relationship as teammates. Although it’s unclear if he tripped over anything, he was fully engaged in the adventure and seemed to have used his time in the woods to reflect on his life.

“🙏 Thank you @aubreymarcus & @aaronrodgers12 for taking me into this sacred circle. Thank you to the powerful Shipibo healers for their life commitment to the light. As Aubrey says, so will I “All in for all Life,” wrote Shawn Chester, a medicine man who now goes by The Native Guides,” wrote about his trip.  Chester is renowned as one of Steve Wynn’s men who oversaw nightlife and opened clubs in Las Vegas.


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