Young Lakers Fan Embarrasses Himself At The “Halftime Challenge”

Over the years, moments involving these kinds of on-court fan interactions have been known to go viral, but Lakers fan Cooper made this one go viral for all the wrong reasons.

Young Lakers Fan Embarrasses Himself At The “Halftime Challenge”

Anyone who has watched an NBA game likely witnessed a game similar to this one during a timeout: a fan gets the chance to make some shots on the court of their favourite team and win a prize. Cooper, a 13-year-old Lakers fan at Friday night’s rout of the Grizzlies, seized the chance to excite the fans, but when it came time for him to throw a last-ditch three, things did not go as he had hoped.

With a layup worth one point, a free throw for three points, and a three from the top of the key worth all ten points, Cooper had 30 seconds to score 10 points and earn the prize.

You better be jacking up shots as quickly as you can until you hit it if you want to go for the “all or nothing” jumper from the three-point line, which in the game is worth 10.

In this instance, Cooper just attempts one shot for the entire thirty seconds.

Cooper receives the following instructions from Lakers host Ashley before the game:

“Cooper we put 30 second on the clock, all you gotta do is score 10 points. You ready?”

Cooper, who has way too much confidence in himself, responds with:

“I was born ready.”

The narrator of the television program enters at this point and declares, “Cooper was not, in fact, born ready.”

Instead of shooting as the timer starts, Cooper sets the ball down where he is standing behind the 3-point line and starts motivating the fans.

At first it seems as though he perhaps wasn’t aware that the game had begun, but it soon becomes apparent that Cooper is going to essentially “hold for the last shot” and attempt to shoot a buzzer-beater 10-pointer to win the game.

The Lakers host does her best to let Cooper excite the crowd, but she secretly wondered what the heck the 13-year-old was up to. Even though Cooper hasn’t made a shot halfway through the match, she still laughs:

You have 15 seconds to score those 10 points, Cooper.

Cooper waits until the timer is close to stop before taking a terrible shot from the “1-point zone.”


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