WWE Fame Kelly Kelly Said “I’d Love My Kids To See Me Wrestle” After Retiring At 25

The major reason Kelly Kelly, a WWE legend, would love to wrestle again has been made public.

The stunning blonde, who gave birth to twins in September alongside her bodybuilding spouse Joe Coba, rose to fame in the professional wrestling industry as a teenage wrestler but left the company in 2012 at the age of 25.

After leaving the ring in a semi-retired state, she has since seen tremendous success as a model and influencer.

Kelly, a.k.a. Barbie Blank, the former Divas champion, frequently flaunts her ideal figure to her 1.3 million Instagram fans.


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In addition, she has demonstrated her incredible physical condition by competing in the 2019, 2020, and 2022 Royal Rumbles throughout her irregular comebacks to the WWE in recent years.

In July 2019, Kelly made history by becoming the first female 24/7 champion by pinning Gerald Brisco during her Raw Reunion visit.

She talked about her amazing career and the reasons behind her early retirement this week on the “Insight” program.

Says the 37-year-old: “I just think I was on the road nonstop for six years. No injuries and the injuries that I had I was still on the road because I was still able to do things because I had a broken rib or bursa sac burst or whatever. It’s gnarly.


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“You don’t want to [experience it], it’s disgusting. Like, literally, I hit it. I hit my knee. And I remember it doesn’t happen right then. It’s kind of like you feel like a little sting.

“Then like seven hours later, we were at dinner. It was like me, Eve [Torres] and the [Bella] twins. It’s in Chicago, 11 at night, we’re at dinner. And I just remember my knee getting nasty, like, so big. And I’m like, ‘You guys?’ They are like, ‘What is happening with your knee?!’ I’m like, ‘I don’t know.’

“I texted the Doc I’m like my knee. [He says] Oh my God get to the hotel. Literally, they had to cut me out my jeans. So what happens is it fills up with blood and pus, I guess. And it’s just like, they got to drain it. But the blood had already clot. And so he is stabbing it and he’s like, I can’t drain it, you’re gonna just have to let it disperse.

“And so my leg was bruised from the toes all the way up to you know, my butt like, just bruised. It was wild.”


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She continued to carry out her responsibilities both inside and outside the ring in spite of the injuries.

Kelly explained: “[So you are still on the road?] Still on the road. It was The Price Is Right. Bob Barker was hosting.

“I just was like, ready to take a break. I think my neck had been hurting. And so they were like totally, take some time. I took a few months.



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“I felt like I was ready to do more stuff outside, and girls aren’t really doing things outside of WWE, like you weren’t really getting that much stuff. And I was like, well, I want to do like modeling, I want to maybe get into some acting.

“I just remember having this conversation with Hunter. And he’s just like, look, the doors always open, just whatever. Right? And I was like, Okay, I think that there was nothing like really, there was not one thing.


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“I was happy to be at home. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I just was like, kind of burnt out, and I think they could feel that. And here’s the thing with wrestling, your heart has to be in every match. If it’s not you, it’s gonna be s***. And I just wasn’t 100% in it at that time.

“Like, I just was like, I was burnt out. I was tired. I just wanted to be at home. Yeah, and I just think that was just like that moment in time, because I had worked so hard. And I was like, I just need some time.”

Kelly has, as previously indicated since made sporadic guest appearances in WWE.

She acknowledges that she would love to see her wrestle in person one day, even though a full-time return to the company seems improbable. Her son Jaxon Matthew and daughter Brooklyn Marie would certainly like that.


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She added: “I really want my twins to see me wrestle. I think it would be so amazing when they’re like four or five.

“I don’t even know if they would still [understand], they probably would get it then. But like seeing that’s my mom and they’re sitting in the front row.

“I just remember watching Michelle McCool when she came into the Rumble and her daughter was sitting there and her daughter’s face was priceless.


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“I’m like, ‘oh my gosh’, because that’s what I want. If you could just see her daughter’s eyes we’re just so big. And she was just like, ‘that’s my mom’, so proud.