Who is the Girlfriend of Elly De La Cruz? His childhood, parents, family, salary and net worth

Elly De La Cruz plays infield for the Cincinnati Reds of Major League Baseball (MLB). He is of Dominican descent. In 2023, he made his MLB debut.

De La Cruz joined the Cincinnati Reds on July 2, 2018, as an international free agent. With a $65,000 signing bonus, he joined the Dominican Summer League Reds in 2019 and hit .285 in 43 games to make his professional debut. owing to the minor league season being called off owing to the COVID-19 epidemic, he did not participate in a single game in 2020.

Elly De La Cruz Childhood

The story starts in Sabana Grande de Boya, a village in the southeast of the Dominican Republic, the country where De La Cruz was born. De La Cruz demonstrated such potential as a young child that the brother of his first coach offered to let him move in with him so he could train more, despite Sabana Grande de Boya lacking the kind of organized leagues you find in other regions of the Dominican Republic.

When De La Cruz was six years old, he left home. Years were spent away from home while he learned the sport and sought out increasingly challenging leagues to develop his talent. De La Cruz relocated to Santo Domingo at the age of 10 in order to play in the capital city’s considerably more competitive league. He practiced at a prestigious academy and was a pitcher and left fielder.

De La Cruz, however, was not signed by an MLB team while other players were, and he eventually questioned whether it was time to retire from baseball.

“Nobody really noticed me,” De La Cruz said. “Scouts didn’t really like me. In the academy, I wasn’t making the cuts during tryouts, and that’s why I wanted to go back home.”

But an accidental contact with the Reds led to a complete turnabout. A scout from Cincinnati was in town to evaluate a different shortstop. In order to help the other player appear good, De La Cruz was instructed to go to the workout.

“In my country, since I wasn’t good enough, I got paired with that shortstop to make him look good,” De La Cruz said. “The next day, the Reds scouts said they came to watch me. The next day, more people came and watched. Then they signed me.”

Elly De La Cruz Girlfriend

Elly made quite a name for himself at the beginning, but with all the talent and hard work, he is a big deal in the world of MLB now. But this young star is still focusing on his game and is not dating anyone till now. He has dedicated all his focus to his practice session and on his game. Hope he will find the love of his life soon.

Elly De La Cruz Parents and Family

Elly was born on 11 January 2002 in Sabana Grande de Boyá, Dominican Republic to parents Carmen and Antonio. With all his siblings, he grew up with his parents in his born place only. He is very close to his parents and they also support him a lot. His mother is no more.

Elly is not the only child in the family as he has 8 siblings. He has a twin brother named Pedro. Among the 9 kids, Cruz is the youngest one.

Elly De La Cruz Salary and Net Worth

Elly is under contract with the Cincinnati Reds for $452,907, with a signing bonus of $65,000. His total is $517,907. This is his 1 season salary. His net worth is somewhere around $1 million.

Elly De La Cruz Jersey

Elly is currently playing as a Shortstop / Third baseman with the Reds and wears jersey number 44 with them.

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