Who is Taylor Klein, AJ Klein wife? His parents, family, contract, salary, networth

American football linebacker A. J. Klein plays for the National Football League’s Buffalo Bills. At Iowa State, he played college football. In the fifth round of the 2013 NFL Draft, the Carolina Panthers selected him. At Kimberly High School, Klein lettered in both football and track. During his career, his football squad had a 37-1 record. In his final two seasons, he guided the squad to back-to-back Division II state championships.


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AJ Klein Wife


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This young and talented football player makes everyone curious to discover his relationship status. So, let us tell you that Klein is married to the love of his life Taylor Klein.


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Through his social media pictures, it looks apparent that he is a person who takes care of his partner’s needs with the same dedication and commitment he uses to take care of himself. He is considerate of his partner’s wants and feelings.

The couple got married back in 2019 after dating for some time. They are happy parents of their two beautiful children named Cannon and Bowie. They are enjoying their parenthood with their son and daughter.

A.J Klein Parents & Family

AJ Klein was born on 30 July 1991 in Appleton, Wisconsin, United States to parents Leonard Klein and Jean Klein. Klein is very close to his parents and his parents are also very supportive and always supported him in his big decision. They always motivated him to pursue his dreams and become a football player.


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He is not the only child of his parents as he has three siblings. Two brothers named Alex and Adam and a sister Meghan.


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AJ Klein Salary & Networth

AJ Klein is currently playing as a Linebacker for Buffalo Bills under a one-year contract with them for $1,317,500. His estimated net worth is somewhere between $1 million to $5 million.

AJ Klein Jersey

AJ Klein is currently playing as a Linebacker with the Buffalo Bills and wears jersey number 52 with them.

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