Who is Madelyn Mcdermid, David Durden girlfriend? His parents, family, contract, salary, networth

Wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League, David Durden plays in American football. Before transferring to West Florida, he played college football at Mercer. He also participated in the Boston Red Sox organization minor league baseball. He attended his high school Emanuel County Institute. David was chosen by the Boston Red Sox in the twenty-first round of the 2017 Major League Baseball draft.

David Durden Girlfriend

David is not married or engaged to anyone yet. But this doesn’t mean he is single as he has a beautiful girlfriend named Madelyn Mcdermid. Madelyn is often seen on the ground supporting her boyfriend and cheering for him. Their relationship details are not present yet so we can’t say for how long the couple dating each other. They often share posts for each other on their social media and express their love. We’ll hope David will provide more information about his love life to his curious fans.

For now, the couple is enjoying their relationship and Madelyn is giving her support to her boyfriend and being there in his all happy moments and achievement.

David Durden Parents & Family

David was born on 26 December 1998 in Twin City, Georgia, United States to parents Jeana & John Durden. His father John was a baseball player at Air Force. He is very close to his parents and his parents also supported him in every phase and in every decision in his life. His father’s decipline and encouragement helped him to pursue his dream and play football Professionally. They often visit the ground to watch his matches and cheer for him and his team.

He is not the only child of his parents as he has three siblings, two sisters named Zoey and Mary Katherine and a brother named Evan.

David Durden Salary & Networth

David is currently playing as a Wide receiver for Dallas Cowboys under a three-year contract for them $2,705,000. His estimated net worth is somewhere around $1 million.

David Durden Jersey

David is currently playing as a Wide Receiver with the Dallas Cowboys and wears jersey number 85 with them.

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