Who is Jordan Phillips girlfriend? His parents, family, contract, salary, networth

For the National Football League’s Buffalo Bills, Jordan Phillips plays defensive tackle in American football. At Oklahoma, he played college football. He played high school football while attending Circle High School in Towanda, Kansas. He had a four-star rating from Rivals.com and a five-star rating from Scout.com. He made a commitment to play college football at Oklahoma University.

Jordan Phillips Relationship

Jordan is very private about his personal life and has not shared much about his dating life. He prefers to keep his relationship out of the media’s eye. According to sources present on the internet, he has a son but his details along with his son’s mother’s details are private and Jordan hasn’t shared much. Hope he will provide details about them soon.


Jordan Phillips Parents & Family

Jordan was born on 21 September 1992 in Wichita, Kansas, United States to parents Georgia and Sherry Alford. He was raised by his grandparents Willie and Irene after his mother died in a car accident. His father was often in and out of prison. He got lots of support from his grandparents. Jordan had a tough life maintaining his personal life and school life, but eventually, he did well and became a professional football player.

He is not the only child of his parents as he has two siblings. His sibling’s information is not available.

Jordan Phillips Salary & Networth

Jordan is currently playing as a defensive tackle for Buffalo Bills under a one-year contract with them for $3,000,000. His estimated net worth is somewhere around $1 million to $5 million.

Jordan Phillips Jersey

Jordan is currently playing as a Defensive tackle with the Buffalo Bills and wears jersey number 97 with them.



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