Who is Jennifer Sutherland, Keaton Sutherland girlfriend? His parents, family, contract, salary, networth

The Washington Commanders of the National Football League’s Keaton Sutherland plays guard for them. He was Edward S. Marcus, and he played high school football. At Texas A&M, he participated in college football. On April 27, 2019, as an undrafted free agent, Keaton signed with the Cincinnati Bengals. The Washington Commanders practice squad signed Keaton on October 4, 2022.


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Keaton Sutherland Girlfriend

This young and talented football player makes everyone curious to discover his relationship status. So, let us tell you that he is in a relationship with Jennifer Sutherland.


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The couple got married back in 2022 after dating for many years to each other. Jennifer kept their relationship details private and never shared about her partner and marriage. On the other hand, Keaton has shared about his partner and marriage on his social media.


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It looks like Jennifer is a supportive partner and is always present in her boyfriend’s achievements and gives her support to him. They often spent a lot of quality time together and explore different places with each other. The couple shares a very warm and loving relationship.


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Keaton Sutherland Parents & Family

Keaton was born on 12 February 1997 in Flower Mound, Texas, United States to parents Kevin and Mary Sutherland. He is very close to his parents and his parents are also very supportive and always supported him for his big decision. They always motivated him to pursue his dreams and become a football player.


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He is not the only child of his parents as he has two brothers named Connor Sutherland and Collin Sutherland.


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Keaton Sutherland Salary & Networth

Keaton is currently playing as a guide with the Washington Commander under a three-year contract for them $2,710,000. His estimated net worth is somewhere around $1 million to $5 million.

Keaton Sutherland Jersey

Keaton is currently playing as a guide with the Washington Commanders and wears jersey number 66 with them.

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