Who is Foyesade Oluokun Girlfriend? His Relationship, Parents, Family, Salary and Net worth

American football linebacker Foyesade Oluokun plays for the National Football League Jacksonville Jaguars. The Atlanta Falcons selected him in the sixth round of the 2018 NFL Draft while he was a Yale college football player.  He was ranked as the 20th-best linebacker in the draft by DraftScout.com. He is well-known for his strong tackling skills, having led the NFL in total tackles the previous two seasons in 2021 and 2022.


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Foyesade Oluokun Relationship

This young and talented football player makes everyone curious to discover his relationship status. So, let us tell you that there is no public announcement made by him on his relationship. So, we can assume that he isn’t dating anyone right now.


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The details of his prior relationships have been kept secret and out of the public eye. However, some sources linked his name with Abby Martone but he has never confessed this on any public platform. He prefers to keep his personal and professional lives separate and out of the spotlight. He appears to spend the majority of his leisure time with his family, friends, and his football.

Foyesade Oluokun Parents

Foyesade was born on 2 August 1995, in St. Louis, Missouri, United States to parents Steve Oluokun and Josephine Oluokun. He is of Nigerian descent. He participated in outdoor activities such as basketball and soccer while attending Clayton, Missouri’s Forsyth School, an elementary school. Steve intended to pursue an American education when he left Nigeria in 1983.


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foyesade oluokun
Atlanta Falcons

He attended Texas A&M University-Kingsville and majored in chemical engineering. Nine years after Steve started working, Josephine came to the United States. The couple had two boys, Fadeseye and Foyesade. Since his birth, they have valued hard work, education, and morality more than material possessions. He belongs to a very supportive family who has always inspired him to follow his passion.

Foyesade Oluokun Net Worth

Oluokun and the Jacksonville Jaguars agreed to a three-year, $30,000,000 contract that included a $8,000,000 signing bonus, a $21,500,000 guarantee, and an average salary of $10,000,000. Oluokun will receive a basic salary of $5,000,000 in 2024.


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