We should all root for Tarik Cohen

Tarik Cohen is far from being the NFL’s most famous player. A former Chicago Bears running back who played for the team from 2017 to 2020, Cohen got seriously injured during Week 3 of the 2020 season and missed not only the remaining of that year but the entire 2021 season as well. 

Things were looking better for the running back, who had recovered and was looking forward to playing again in 2022. Until

Cohen suffered a serious Achilles injury that’s going to keep him out for the 2022 season as well. After losing almost two years of doing the thing he loves the most, Cohen will again be sidelined and working back from a serious injury instead of having fun. That’s as grueling as it gets.

But Cohen deserves our respect not only for what he fought back as a football player but in life as well. Recently, he wrote a letter for the famous website The Players Tribune where he highlighted some of his personal issues, including the passing of his two brothers in less than a year.

“The police are going to find a body at an electrical plant near the scene of the car accident. The cops won’t be able to identify who it is at first, because they’ll need to have the power shut off before they can go investigate.  You’ll try to convince yourself of some alternate explanation. It’ll be like, Maybe it’s not Tyrell. Maybe it’s someone else. You never know. But … you’ll know. Tyrell tried to climb some equipment at the substation and touched something that electrocuted him. Just like that, he’ll be gone. “

“In early April, only a few days after completing this essay about his family and their journey, Tarik Cohen lost his younger brother, Dante, in a fatal car accident. He would like to thank everyone for their prayers, condolences and messages of support. Our hearts go out to Tarik and his family.”

Not many people can endure what Tarik Cohen has done in life. And the way he has held his own through all of the personal issues he’s got is really admirable. The new setback in his career is absolutely nothing compared to the other things he’s had to face. Here’s to a speedy recovery for a guy who has gone through so much over the last years – and we hope this can be his last setback.