Travis Kelce And Taylor Swift’s Dad Enjoyed Her Music Together In Argentina

Scott Kingsley Swift, the father of Taylor Swift, was seen on Saturday in Argentina enjoying the Eras Tour under the VIP tent with tight end Travis Kelce, his daughter’s new boyfriend. Scott Kingsley Swift was also sporting a Kansas City Chiefs lanyard.

Upon meeting Scott in Buenos Aires, Kelce, 34, most likely gave him the lanyard as a gift. Being a nice parent, he wore it all night to please his daughter’s lover. But it’s also plausible that Mr. Swift has switched to support the Chiefs.


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When Taylor first started dating Kelce, supporters of the Philadelphia Eagles were upset to see her wearing apparel from the Chiefs.

Although she and her father were perceived as Eagles supporters because they were born in Pennsylvania, it’s difficult not to support the Chiefs, particularly now that Taylor is dating a prominent Kansas City player.

Travis Kelce Got Approval From Taylor Swift’s Dad


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Travis and Scott can be seen enjoying the music and having a nice talk in a video that Daily Mail posted.

Like the first time Taylor met Travis’s father, they appeared to be having a great time while laughing together.

In a ton of fan videos, Travis is also shown pointing hugely at Taylor while she points to him, munching snacks, and dancing to her music.

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