Tony Romo Is Not Letting The Critique On His Commentary Discourage Him

When criticizing his broadcasting, Tony Romo believes that his fellow media colleagues are acting dishonestly.

There was a wonderful honeymoon time after Romo joined Jim Nantz in the CBS broadcast booth and announced his retirement from the NFL after 13 seasons as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys.

Tony Romo Is Not Letting The Critique On His Commentary Discourage Him

However, with Romo and Nantz coming under increasing amounts of criticism over the past couple of seasons, some of the luster has begun to go.

But with the start of the new season only a few weeks away, Romo told Richard Deitsch of The Athletic that he doesn’t really care what people think of his analysis.

“I remember reading in the comments section of the newspaper in my second year or so there were people saying, ‘He throws it too low, he’ll never make it,’” Romo said about criticism he received during his playing career. “So I went and tried to throw higher arm because some guy wrote an article or said it in the comments. I mean, how dumb, right? It’s like that guy had no idea what he’s talking about. What’s said is not always reality.”

“People come to me now and say they love our crew, they love how we do it,” Romo said. “Like anything, we’ve (the CBS crew) been at such a high level doing this for so long that it doesn’t matter who you are, people are not going to continually write the same article about how great you are. I mean, you wouldn’t do that. You’re not going to continually write, ‘They are the best,’ over and over again. They might still think it, but people have to find things to write. I think that’s just part of human nature.

“And guess what? There are agendas. People like clicks. I mean, that’s a real thing. And I think they should. I think it’s all positive. Talking about it, it helps all of the NFL. Our job is to go out there and perform like we’ve done and try to always do our best. I think we’ve done a great job with that. You’re looking at a very talented group here. Like all things, we’re going to go and try to put our best foot forward.”



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