Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout Had A Prison Swap And Finally Revealed Those 5 Words He Said To Brittney Griner 

When the two were switched in a contentious prisoner exchange, Viktor Bout only spoke to Brittney Griner five times.

After she was sentenced to over a decade in a Russian jail on drug charges after what can only be characterized as a show trial, the arms dealer known as “The Merchant of Death” was exchanged by Joe Biden’s administration for the WNBA player.

The couple were exchanged back to their respective nations at an airport in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in a scene that seemed like it was taken right out of a Cold War spy movie.

Griner and Viktor Bout engaged in a brief conversation.

Now, the notorious arms dealer, who prior to his imprisonment had been involved in nearly every major conflict, has spoken out about the brief conversation he had with Griner before they boarded their flights.


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“So, I said, you know, ‘I wish you good luck.’ And, you know, and we both went to our, you know, planes,” When describing what occurred on the runway in Abu Dhabi, Bout told ESPN.

Simply an odd remark made by Bout to a lady the Russians had used as a pawn after years in American detention.


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At Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, it’s once more a scenario straight out of the Cold War.

Russians, according to Bout, were angry about his arrest.

The fact that Bout seemed to defend his actions and arrest without much resistance from the network during their discussion with him on ESPN was also interesting.


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“Well, think of this, that the same outrage was in Russia when I was sentenced to 25 years. Many people would say, ‘For what? Just for talking? Are you serious?’ There is not even a proper translation to Russian of the crime of conspiracy. We don’t have such even the legal term, So, this is this same kind of outrage in Russia about my case and about many other cases,” Bout told ESPN.

Additionally, he asserted that when he was arrested, he informed American law enforcement officials that the two sides were “the same enemy.” I don’t know who the hell Bout could be talking about, so we’re going to need a fact-check on that one.


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What a truly unbelievable circumstance, it’s hard to believe it was even real. Brittney Griner is at least back in her own country, but America paid a hefty price for the privilege of having her.

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