Referee Stabbed A Player In The Middle Of A Soccer Game In Argentina

After it was revealed that a referee in an Argentine soccer league had stabbed a player mid-match, a fresh violent incident has once again brought attention to the sport of soccer.

Referee Stabbed A Player In The Middle Of A Soccer Game In Argentina

The horrible incident occurred in the province of Missions, Argentina, when the 62-year-old official awarded Kevin, a 21-year-old player, a “point” during a game in the Eldorado inter-neighborhood league in the Scholler area.

The young youngster was left lying on the playing field when the guy, later identified as Remiglio, stabbed him during the game, according to reports from the local press.

The player, named by the local media as Kevin, is lucky to be alive, but the footage isn’t the clearest you’ll ever see—which may be a good thing considering the circumstances.

Better news still, considering that Kevin’s uncle refers to him as “the Messi” of the family.

“Kevin is amazingly alive,” he declared, as reported by The Daily Mail. “For the family, it is a very delicate moment because he is the Messi of the family. He is a boy well gifted for football, thank God he had the opportunity to be in a club like Chacarita.”

Kevin received the appropriate first assistance amid the frantic scenario, and others there as well as his coworkers rushed him to the closest hospital.

The victim’s relatives acknowledged that his lung was pierced by the cut, but they clarified that he was not in any danger.

The referee, who continued to carry the gun he used to assault the 21-year-old guy during the match, was taken into custody by the police. The individual is still available to the local authorities for further explanation of what happened.



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