Olivia Dunne openly shares indicators or warning signs she looks out for. Here is her red flags list

It seems that Olivia Dunne despises sluggish texters.

The LSU gymnast and social media darling produced a video highlighting her three major warning signs for men.

She doesn’t like folks who spend a lot of time on their screens, “slow” texters, or guys who appear to shop frequently.

Olivia Dunne has an issue with slow texting.


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Even though Olivia Dunne is recognized for regularly posting on her website and making many valid points, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t call her out for this madness.

First of all, how can you have one cautionary note about excessive screen time and a second one about not replying to texts promptly?


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You undoubtedly spend a lot of time on your phone if you text quickly. You have a high screen time, then. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that her first two arguments appear to be at odds with one another.

Being a sluggish texter is perfectly OK.

Okay, buckle up and put on a helmet because what I’m about to say could result in some significant blowback:

If you count on text messages to deliver instant responses, you’re insane.

There are certain exceptions, though. If there is an emergency, you are connecting in a congested area, or you require a quick response on a time-sensitive matter, you should respond promptly.

It truly doesn’t matter beyond that. Instant pleasure has unfortunately become popular among young people. For people who have grown up with phones, it is even worse. They simply don’t have any other knowledge.

Olivia Dunne’s perspective on this issue is incorrect.

There is a very good probability that if you text me, I won’t reply to you until I have some free time. I have two wild things: a job (shoutout to OutKick for keeping the lights on) and a life to live (shoutout to the boys who are always down for a beer).


If there isn’t an ICBM aimed directly at my forehead, your text can probably wait. The world is not ending, not every aspect of your day is important, and I just won’t answer until I have some free time. If you think I’m insane, just remember that a lot of people think that.

Generally speaking, men won’t reach for their phones when playing golf, shooting targets, or even having a beer with their buddies. Unfortunately, that is true. You expect me to start texting when my pals and I are discussing unlikely scenarios for World War II II? You had better get ready for a reality check since the main issue right now is whether or not Russia can hold Kaliningrad in the initial salvo (they most certainly can’t).


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Although Olivia Dunne frequently gets things right, she is completely wrong on this matter. Put down your phones and respond to texts later. Block someone right away if they send you the dreaded double text. That kind of energy is not what you need in your life.

Regarding the remainder of Dunne’s online presence, there isn’t much room for debate.

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