Mike McDaniel Snaps At Media When Asked To Comment On Tua Tagovailoa’s Critique

Never one to hold back when expressing his opinions, Miami head coach Mike McDaniel had much to say on Wednesday in response to a reporter’s question concerning the idea that Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa is only getting advantages from his offensive scheme.

Mike McDaniel Snaps At Media When Asked To Comment On Critique Given On QB Tua Tagovailoa

Being one of the top quarterbacks in the game, Tagovailoa has been a major contributor to the Dolphin’s offence’s success this season.

With 14 touchdown passes, he is tied with Kirk Cousins for the most in the NFL with 1,876 passing yards.

ESPN football analyst Stephen A. Smith said on Tuesday that quarterback Tua Tagovailoa of the Miami Dolphins should only attempt 2-yard passes.

A courageous reporter chose to quietly bring up the remarks to Dolphins head coach Mike McDaniel on Wednesday, even if he did not reveal his identity.

“I’m about to push this podium over,” McDaniel said when a reporter suggested that scores of quarterbacks would have similar success in his system. “My answer to that would be who the F cares, because it is a team, we’re working together, and I know one thing. I’ve coached a long time, I haven’t seen people do what our guys do. … To their credit, to their ability and their commitment to their craft.

As you can see, McDaniel has no intention of proving anything to outsiders. Instead, the 40-year-old coach is concentrated on making the Dolphins the greatest version of themselves, both as a team and as an individual.

Regarding his quarterback, it’s obvious that McDaniel thinks Tagovailoa’s skill is a major factor in Miami’s success thus far and will remain so in the future.

McDaniel is entirely correct. Who the hell is interested in Stephen A. Smith’s football views? I’m not. Smith may not even watch football, in my opinion.

That being said, this specific query isn’t wholly absurd. Naturally, McDaniel will only protect his quarterback.




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