Meet Paul Contreras: One Who Tackled Alleged Gunman At Chiefs Super Bowl Parade

A participant, Paul Contreras, in the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade, talked about the terrifying moment he tackled a man who was allegedly involved in the shooting incident that killed three people on Wednesday during the festivities.

Meet Paul Contreras: One Who Tackled Alleged Gunman At Chiefs Super Bowl Parade

Paul Contreras told media outlets that as the crowd descended into turmoil, he heard someone call to stop a man and tackle him as he and his daughter were at the parade in Kansas City, Missouri. The incident claimed the life of at least one person and wounded twenty-two others.

When footage of random bystanders bringing down one of the accused guys involved emerged, it was one of the most amazing and unbelievable scenes from the mayhem. Paul Contreras has now revealed his motivation for interfering, and the man has guts.

“I’m right here, and I just…I didn’t think about it. Just a reaction. I didn’t hesitate. Just do it. So, I went to go tackle him and another gentleman did the same thing. And, as I’m tackling him, I see his weapon either fall out of his hand or out of his sleeve because he was wearing a long jacket or a Carhart. So, when I see that hit the ground, I’m like, ‘Oh, you know, we got to take this guy down,’” Contreras explained in an interview with KETV.

Before the cops arrive, Contreras can be seen on the scene’s video running toward the suspect and tackling him. At a press conference on Wednesday, Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves stated that while she was aware of the video showing onlookers tackling a suspect, she was unable to verify if the victim was one of the three individuals under police custody.

Following the incident, the authorities stated they had detained three individuals and found at least one pistol at the site.

As part of the investigation, three persons have been detained, according to Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves. She stated that while she was unable to quickly verify it, she had heard that supporters could have assisted in tackling a suspect.

“I’m angry at what happened today. The people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment.” Graves said. Police did not immediately release any details about the people who were detained or about a possible motive for the shootings. She said firearms had been recovered, but not what kind.”



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