Lawsuit Filed Against Knicks Owner James Dolan Alleging Sexual Assault

A Tennessee woman filed a federal lawsuit on Tuesday against James Dolan, the governor of the New York Knicks and New York Rangers, as well as the chair of Madison Square. She claims that Dolan forced her into unwelcome sexual encounters nearly ten years ago and arranged a meeting with the notorious Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, who she also claims sexually assaulted her.

Lawsuit Filed Against Knicks Owner James Dolan Alleging Sexual Assault

As per the complaint, the occurrences transpired in 2013 during an Eagles band tour; at the time, Croft had been engaged by the Eagles as their official masseur.

According to court documents, Dolan, a longtime friend of Weinstein’s and a former board member of the Weinstein Company, “trafficked” Croft for sex and set up a meeting with Weinstein.

According to the lawsuit, Dolan expected Croft to have sexual interactions with him during the tour, using his influence as a significant funder.

Kellye Croft, the complainant, was a 27-year-old certified massage therapist who was on an Eagles tour in 2013. JD & The Straight Shot, Dolan’s band, served as the rock group’s opener.

According to the lawsuit, Dolan, who was 58 at the time, regularly coerced Croft “to submit to sex with him” by using his position of authority and influence throughout the tour.

Usually, we don’t identify victims of sexual assault unless they come forward and give their permission, as Croft has done.

In addition, Dolan is accused of acting passionately with Croft, giving her the impression that he was genuinely interested in her.

2014 saw the claimed Weinstein attack take place in a hotel room in Los Angeles following the tour.

Croft’s trip to the city, when Weinstein asked her to his hotel room and attacked her when she declined, is said to have been paid for by Dolan.

A jury trial and specific damages are sought in the case.

E. Danya Perry, James Dolan’s attorney, angrily denied the charges. In a written response, Perry said that Dolan and Croft had a cordial relationship and that the accusations against him are without merit.

In addition, Perry said that references against Harvey Weinstein appeared to be lifted verbatim from earlier lawsuits against the business mogul in an effort to distort public opinion.

James, through his lawyer, denies all claims, asserting that he always believed Croft to be a good person.

“Mr Dolan always believed Ms Croft to be a good person and is surprised she would agree to these claims. Bottom line: this is not a he said/she said matter and there is compelling evidence to back up our position. We look forward to proving that in court.”

In a statement, Weinstein’s attorney Jennifer Bonjean denied the charge as well. According to Bonjean, Weinstein adamantly denies the unfounded allegations in the latest case and hopes that the legal process will reveal the truth.

How did James Dolan make his money?

James, who was born in 1955 in Massapequa, New York, inherited his father’s riches and status in the corporate world as Charles Dolan, the millionaire who founded Cablevision, did.

What does the Dolan family own?

Patrick Dolan is the primary owner and publisher of Newsday, and James is the executive chairman of the Madison Square Garden Company and its professional sports franchises, the New York Knicks and New York Rangers. The Cleveland Guardians are owned by Larry Dolan, the younger brother of Charles Dolan, and Paul Dolan, his nephew.

Who is James Dolan’s wife?

James and his spouse Kristin, whom he appointed AMC Networks’ chief executive officer in 2023, reside on Long Island. He has six boys from two marriages. In Palm Beach, Florida, at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, he was married for the second time.



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