I know I’m quicker. I know I can do it said Lindsay Brewer after qualifying for Indianapolis 500

American racing driver Lindsay Brewer is a professional racer. She will be competing for Exclusive Autosport in the 2023 USF Pro 2000 Championship. She first became interested in go-karting when she was 11 years old and participated in a friend’s birthday party race. Brewer participated in a number of karting competitions across the US from 2009 to 2014.


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Lindsay is one of the few American women who may compete in the Indianapolis 500 in the near future, and she is excited about the chance.

In the physically taxing sport of IndyCar racing, Lindsay Brewer is aware that the deck is set against her as a woman. The 25-year-old has “never” questioned her determination to overcome obstacles and realize her aspirations, though.


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Brewer “always wanted to go fast,” according to the source. As a child, she spent a lot of time with her family snowmobiling, four-wheeling, and jet skiing in the outdoor playground that is Arvada, Colorado, a neighbourhood just outside of Denver.

“At 4 years old, I would sit in my mom’s lap on the jet ski and I would press her thumb to make the throttle go faster,” Brewer once said.


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“I went to a birthday party at this go-kart track, and I ended up being quicker than all the adults and the boys,” Brewer told. Brewer destroyed him on the track after another child let her ride in his Mini Max go-kart. “The track owner told my dad, ‘You really need to get her her own cart. She actually has a natural talent at this.’ “


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Lindsay’s parents agreed, and she began practicing every weekend. In her first year, she won a regional championship. The family then decided to invest “all in” Brewer’s racing career. She switched from racing 60 mph Mini Max cars to 90 mph shifter cars, which are faster.

Brewer, who is also a model, took a sabbatical from racing to attend San Diego State University, as required by her parents. However, after graduating in 2019, she was able to leap back into the scene and land her first sponsorship, which is the lifeblood of racing.


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“There were a lot of sacrifices — I had to miss prom, I was homeschooled my senior year and I had to travel almost every weekend,” Brewer said. “But I’m happy it paid off.”

Brewer is currently competing in the second of the Road to Indy series’ four tiers, driving heavy road cars capable of reaching 180 mph. That one obstacle left her “really struggling,” she claims and put her at a disadvantage because of her little stature.


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“The cars have so much horsepower and there’s no power steering. They’re super physical.”

Brewer, though, went directly to the weight room rather than becoming frustrated. “If I have to go to the gym twice a day, I will,” she asserts. “I will do everything in my power to get stronger.”


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Because she has Danica Patrick as an inspiration, she also knows it is feasible.
Brewer said, “We’re around the same body build, and if Danica could do it, why can’t I?” 
Brewer claims that her motivation for success partly stems from how she feels while driving.


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“I’m a different person,” Lindsay said. “I’m super nice off the track, and then as soon as I put my helmet on I’m much more aggressive and different than what people would assume.”

Additionally, Brewer is establishing herself this year. She managed a top-10 result in her first-ever street race in July after finding a new sponsor in C4 Energy, and she managed a 13th-place finish in her debut oval race in St. Louis.


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She said, “It’s been cool to push myself”

Her “dream” is to keep rising through the ranks and win the Indianapolis 500, the ultimate competition in her sport. Lindsay Brewer is adamant despite the fact that only 11 women have ever qualified.


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“I know I can do anything that these guys can do,” Brewer confidently said. “I know I’m quicker. I know I can do it.”

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