Happy people ain’t haters and haters ain’t happy- Paige on those haters who are body shaming her because she gained weight

When 12 Gauge unloaded on a belly-buster dinner on Wednesday, Paige VanZant’s battle against the fat shamers changed.

The former MMA fighter turned bare-knuckle fighter fired up Instagram from a Texas Roadhouse and showed the naysayers how she was smashing a sizable margarita, a basket of fried pickles, and a hefty burger as a massive f-you to those who are accusing her of putting on weight.


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This week, VanZant acknowledged gaining weight but claimed it had made her happier.

“I have been really good at putting my best self forward. Making sure the world sees the ‘prettiest’ side of me,” she wrote on Instagram. “Where I fell short is that I never showed the true me. Until now. The truth is, yes, I have gained a lot of weight…. probably 20+ pounds but I also gained strength, power, muscle and a ton of happiness.”


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VanZant confessed to gaining weight this week, but she insisted it had made her happy.

“I see every single comment on my YouTube channel about how I look pregnant, obese, fat as fck, and won’t be able to fit through a door soon. But one thing I have always remembered. Happy people ain’t haters and haters ain’t happy. So all you haters out there keep on commenting, you’re only growing my platform.”

If increasing user interaction was Paige’s goal for this week, she has succeeded. The new, bulkier Paige VanZant is despised by the audience.


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“Have you considered giving less of a f–k ?” Big Foot 87 asked.

“Nobody calling you fat. Everyone’s calling you trash with no self respect,” another hater fired away at Paige’s Texas Roadhouse run.

“Damn i havent seen your posts in awhile, im assuming the whole fighting thing is done aye :/” Cody added.


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