Former Yankees Player Doug Mientkiewicz Unleashes On Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez was the target of a diatribe from Mientkiewicz during a recent visit on the “Foul Territory” podcast with A.J. Pierzynski and Scott Braun. He criticized A-Rod for using steroids and even made personal attacks on him.

Rodriguez’s usage of performance-enhancing substances led to his infamous season-long suspension in 2014. Mientkiewicz took offence to it, too.

Former Yankees Player Doug Mientkiewicz Unleashes On Alex Rodriguez

In 2007, Doug Mientkiewicz played for the New York Yankees. He shared the field with two legendary players from the contemporary MLB era, Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter. Doug had a deep appreciation for Jeter and had just given Jeter high accolades. Doug, however, has some unfavorable opinions to express on Rodriguez, a Yankees teammate and old high school classmate.

“It’s painful,” Mientkiewicz said. “It’s like, wait a minute. Do you forget you got suspended 200 games? It’s like, come on, man. Stop it. I get it.

“I played a power position and didn’t have any. Did it cross my mind? Of course. You thought about it. But I was like, ‘You know what? I want to be able to walk when  I’m 50.’”

Rodriguez’s use of PEDs resulted in a season-long suspension for 2014.

After Mientkiewicz won the World Series with the Red Sox in 2004, Rodriguez and Mientkiewicz, who were high school buddies, briefly shared the field with the Yankees in 2007.

After that, Mientkiewicz discussed how Rodriguez has grown apart from his high school teammates. He shared, “I’m still friends with my high school team. We still text often, not as often as we should, but we still text group threads, constantly bad badgering each other. And it’s just, you know, he’s just distanced from it.” To sum up his understanding of Rodriguez as a person, Doug said, “I always said that he’s going to die lonely!!!”

But in 2009, Mientkiewicz claimed he had never seen Rodriguez take performance-enhancing drugs in high school.

He told the Los Angeles Times, “From my perspective, it would be 99.9% impossible for us to not know.”

Mientkiewicz made the decision to strike below the belt after all the wrath he had let out!

“This whole ‘father of the year’ stuff, God bless him with his daughters, because it’s got to come a long way,” Mientkiewicz said. “But it’s like, ‘You’re just trying to get into heaven now.’”



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