Former Trivia Show Host Scott Rogowsky Accuses NFL Of Stealing His Content For Their Promotional Video

The former “HQ Trivia” presenter and comedian Rogowsky blasted the NFL for allegedly copying his “NFL Writers Room” series in a recent marketing campaign.

Former Trivia Show Host Scott Rogowsky Accuses NFL Of Stealing His Content For Their Promotional Video

Titled Glitch: The Rise and Fall of HQ Trivia, has already caused a stir online ahead of its premiere on CNN.

But Scott Rogowsky, the comedian who in 2017 took over as the game’s main presenter and established himself as the face of HQ Trivia, is present throughout Glitch. Throughout the movie, he discusses the chaos that went on at the app’s headquarters during its brief heyday, including his tense relationship with Rus Yusupov, one of the app’s creators.

Now Rogowsky is in the news again as he is accusing the football league of coping his comedy content!

In a promotional film for the 2018 season released by the NFL last week, actor Keegan Michael-Key read from an NFL “script” for a table read that featured notable players like Jalen Ramsey and Patrick Mahomes.

On the play, Rogowsky threw a flag.

“Now does it surprise me that a soulless mega corporation with zero creativity or independent thought would choose to blatantly rip off actually-creative people to make their content?” Rogowsky asked.

“No it doesn’t. Does it piss me off? You betcha, because the person they ripped off this time was me!”

Rogowsky said that over ten years ago, he co-created multiple seasons of the television show “NFL Writers Room” under the “12 Angry Mascots” brand with Neil Janowitz, who is currently the editorial director of New York Magazine’s entertainment vertical Vulture.

“There’s one I posted in February of this year. My feeling on this is NFL folks saw this video go viral and decided to rip it off themselves,” Rogowsky said.

“Just Google NFL Writers Room. You’ll see all these videos of me, going back to 2009.”

In recent years, a joke about the NFL being scripted has gained traction on social media, and the league’s marketing capitalized on the cliché.

“They have the gall to use this as their tag line — ‘You can’t make this stuff up’ — You’re right, NFL. You can’t! You stole it. Shame on you! Shame on all of you, the Not Funny League,” Rogowsky said.



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