Dolphins WR Tyreek Hill Wants NFL To Bring Back ‘Defensive Pass Interference Penalty’

After one season of experimenting with instant replay on pass interference, the NFL chose to abolish the contentious rule. However, at least one player, Tyreek Hill would want to see the league resurrect the regulation.

Tyreek Hill of the Miami Dolphins said on the newest edition of his “It Needed to be Said” podcast that he truly appreciated the rule.

Dolphins WR Tyreek Hill Wants NFL To Bring Back ‘Defensive Pass Interference Penalty’

His outstanding speed and ability to alter direction make him a nightmare for defensive backs.

Hill is frequently held or interfered with in trying to contain him on plays where the defensive back has been beaten, which generally results in a defensive pass interference penalty.

“You know there used to be a rule where you could challenge a defensive pass interference call,” Hill said. “That used to be a rule, I believe like two years ago, and they took that rule away. I don’t know why they took it away.”

Hill was upset when the NFL dropped the regulation before the 2020 season.

“I think they should definitely bring that back,” Hill said. “Bring that back, and once it’s a pass interference, just add those receiving yards to my yardage.”

Hill’s proposal may be motivated by personal reasons since he believes that possible receiving yards on a DPI should be added to his yardage total. But there’s no doubt he’s been one of the league’s most tainted players.

Hill received five DPI flags in 2022.

Unfortunately for Hill, there is virtually little likelihood that the league will reinstate the regulation. The major reason the regulation was enacted was as a reaction to the contentious climax to the 2018 NFC championship game.

That was the game in which Saints QB Drew Brees attempted to complete a pass to Tommylee Lewis with barely minutes remaining, but Lewis was brought down by Rams defender Nickell Robey-Coleman, who struck Lewis long before the ball came.

The game went into overtime after the no-call, and the Rams won 26-23. The egregiousness of the missed call prompted the NFL to approve a new PI rule.

Basically, unless Hill is elected NFL commissioner in the near future, this is one regulation that will very probably not be reinstated.




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