College Football Coach Lane Kiffin’s Yoga Classes Are Fully Sold

The public was invited to join Lane Kiffin, head coach of Ole Miss and a devotee of yoga, last week for a special yoga experience at Vaught-Hemingway Stadium.

College Football Coach Lane Kiffin’s Yoga Classes Are Fully Sold

People may take a yoga session designed to challenge and distort the body* while soothing the mind at a place where relaxation DOESN’T HAPPEN A LOT for the modest cost of $20 and the hassle of lugging a mat and water.

There was room for 250 people to stretch their muscles with the Ole Miss leader, and every spot is already taken.

There’s a lot of things you can say about Lane Kiffin, but the one thing you can’t ever say is that he doesn’t pump out content.

The idea of an SEC football coach leading a yoga class is legit hilarious.

People have a tendency to become enthusiastic about potentially enjoyable activities, or they may wish to experience physical suffering at Vaught-Hemingway as a change of pace from the mental torment they have experienced there a quarter of a million times. As a result, the class is already sold out.

Given the location and class leader, it’s probable that the yoga session will have a football theme. Nevertheless, sources have not yet confirmed this. I’m here to encourage you because I believe that it is a possibility.

Your Lane Kiffin/Ole Miss-themed yoga poses:

Beginner Poses

  • Pro Mindset Lotus
  • Portal Plank
  • Downward-Facing Jimmy Sexton
  • Call Sheet Warrior Toss
  • Bahamas Double Pigeon
  • Bharadvaja’s Auburn Twist
  • Halftime Wardrobe Change Revolved Triangle

Intermediate Poses

  • Juice Pooping on the Rug
  • Forced Field Goal Plow
  • Inverted Grove Squirrel
  • Tad Pad Sad Dolphin
  • ‘Sip Side Plank
  • Reclining Landshark
  • Sardis Swaying Palm Tree
  • Coop DeVille Struttin’ Rooster

Advanced Poses

  • Bianco Bodhisattva
  • Omaha Stretched-Out Scorpion
  • Inverted Downward-Facing Jimmy Sexton
  • Burner Phone Disposal Crane
  • Grove Collective Financial Oversight Handstand
  • One-Legged King Chicken-on-a-Stick
  • Rebel Bear’s Heavenly Ascension
  • Colonel Reb Dining With the Devil



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