Chicago Bears Can Be Happy That Someone Really Wants Nick Foles

Nick Foles had been a headache for Chicago Bears.

Chicago Bears are tired of Nick Foles. Well, not only the Bears but also every other roster on NFL. Why will they trade? Each team out their want best players on their team. When you are not performing in almost every game why will anyone have you? However, it looks like someone is really interested in Foles. Due to the lack of an experienced quarterback on the team, the New York Jets can be the potential lead.


According to ESPN, the Jets are open to trade Nick Foles. Whatever may be the reason but this is a piece of good news for the Bears. Now they can really free up some space and save some dollars from getting wasted. I am happy for the Bears that they finally get to build a better roster. Sorry to say but their last season’s team was nothing but shit.

Bears can trade Nick Foles for freeing up $4 million cap space.

It is still not confirmed though that Bears can really get rid of Nick Foles. On the other hand, the New York Mets are really in need of some experienced quarterbacks. Even if they signed Zach Wilson – the son of the hottest mother, he still needs some training and advice. Not only off the field but also in the field and Foles can their bet.



I don’t think that it’s wrong for the Jets. Whenever you are going out to have a real game, along with the talent you need experience. However, the New York Jets have nothing like that right now. Adding Nick Foles can really hell their team. However, it is still not sure that Nick Foles can go for the New York Jets or not. Bears don’t want him, the Jets want him, what the hell does this player want.