Broncos QB Russell Wilson’s “On Flight Workout Routine” Becomes A Meme After The Tragic Subway Advertisement

Russell Wilson can now take his antics overseas because the Denver Broncos are now in London for their Sunday game against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

However, Wilson had to make sure he was in top shape before the Broncos travelled to London. Wilson needed to be at his best to take on the formidable Jaguars after suffering a hamstring injury and missing the previous game against the Jets.

Which implies going so far as to exercise while flying?

Everything Russell Wilson Does These days Becomes A Meme!

Prior to Sunday’s game against the Jaguars, Wilson informed reporters on Wednesday that he spent four hours in the aisles exercising while the rest of the squad dozed off on the eight-hour flight to London.

“Everybody was knocked out, I was doing high knees and working on all my legs and everything else, making sure I’m ready to rock,” Wilson told reporters, adding that he spent three more hours watching film and one-hour sleeping.

On so many levels, this is ludicrous. One, I’m convinced you’re the Sith if you’re exercising for four out of eight hours on a huge jet. Wilson’s high-kneed marching along the narrow aisle of the aircraft would actually make me look like the Joker during the flight. Not to mention the fact that the other players were dozing off? Yes, there is no chance he would return on the flight home.

I see now that going over play calls for a short while on the plane aids in memory retention. Russell Wilson performing a whole ass callisthenics routine for the majority of the flight to London is not something I can tolerate.

I’m not even sure why Russell Wilson reasoned that doing this while everyone was asleep would be a better idea. No stretch or activity involving swiftly repeated motions is done quietly, even on high knees. This is very annoying!

Many media members and fans commented on the absurdity of the quarterback’s most recent story on Twitter. At the same time, the entire sports community waited anxiously for one of Wilson’s colleagues to disclose what is undoubtedly funny footage.

I believe we’ll understand why the Broncos struggle against the Jaguars on Sunday morning.




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