Ariel Helwani Gives Dana White a Taste of His Own Medicine With an All-Important Question After Slapping His Wife

The new year did not get off to the start UFC boss Dana White would have wanted. The 53-year-old promoter was in Cabo San Lucas with his family for New Year. White was spotted at a club with his wife, Anne White. The couple seemed to be having an intense argument before things escalated. The clip showed Anne White slapping Dana White, who then retaliated by slapping his wife. 


Needless to say, this did not go down well with the fans as well as pundits who have slammed Dana White for his actions. As soon as the video was released, White appeared on an interview on TMZ stating that there were no excuses for his actions and that he was incredibly sorry for the same. At this point in time, that is the extent of the issue at hand. In all probability, White will not face any punishment for his actions. However, certain members of the media most notably Ariel Helwani have pleaded for a strict punishment for the President of the UFC

Ariel Helwani destroys Dana White 

Ariel Helwani is without a doubt the biggest and most reputed journalist in the sport of MMA. The 40-year-old has worked for a number of reputed media houses including ESPN. 

However, for seven years now, Helwani has been banned from attending live UFC events and covering it from on ground due to an incident that took place ahead of UFC 199 in May 2016. Helwani prematurely announced the return of Brock Lesnar at UFC 200 which rubbed the UFC brass the wrong way and forced them to take drastic measures. 

Ever since then, both Dana White and Helwani have fired shots at each other questioning character, involving family and much more. Therefore, when Dana White found himself in the latest controversy, Helwani wasted no time in clapping back at the UFC head honcho. 

He said, “And so on this day, I’ll raise the same freaking question that he raised about me back in 2016. What are your kids gonna say about you? What are your kids gonna say about your legacy? About the way you treat fighter..About the way you treat people..About your business practices.”


He continued, “What are your kids gonna say about that video? What are your kids gonna say about the kind of person that you are? What are your kids going to say about you? Ask yourself that fu**ing question. What are your kids gonna say about you?”

“Ashamed and Utterly Disgusted” – NBA Analyst Stephen A. Smith Suggests a Punishment For UFC President Dana White After Altercation With Wife