Alex Rodriguez Underwent Lifestyle Changes That Brought His Life Back On Track

On The Jennifer Hudson Show on Friday, Alex Rodriguez said that he “lost my way a little bit” and revealed the facts of his recent 30-lb weight reduction.

Alex Rodriguez Underwent Lifestyle Changes That Brought His Life Back On Track

“Right around the pandemic, I think we all kind of were very nervous. We never knew if we were going to see people again,” the former New York Yankee, 48, said.

“I’m a very social person. I like people. I love people,” he said, adding that “I was so stressed” with work and travel between Los Angeles and Miami that he “started gaining some weight.”

Rodriguez admitted to Hudson, “I wasn’t focusing on my health as much.” Rodriguez is the CEO of two businesses, investment company A-ROD Corp. and Slam Corp.

The former baseball star recently made a visit to Jennifer Hudson’s show and spoke up about his makeover. His body now, which is much leaner, is in stark contrast to how he appeared three years ago.

He now stands totally restored and radiant with joy, though, and he gives a lot of the credit for his recovery to his girlfriend, Jaclyn Cordeiro.

His health suffered as a result of this demanding job, which resulted in unwelcome weight gain and a loss of interest in his health. His girlfriend was the one who pushed him to put fitness first. He started a major reorganization of his daily schedule as a result.

“I just changed my routine,” Rodriguez told Hudson.

“I get up in the morning and I don’t look at my phone until noon,” Rodriguez said.

“So from the time I wake up, I’m in the gym at 8, work out for a couple of hours, come home, do a little sauna, a little steam, stretch, meditate, and then I’m at my desk every day from 12 to 6.”

It forced many people to stay at home, upsetting their regular routines and forcing some of them to form bad habits that had an adverse effect on their physical and mental health, including weight gain and mood swings.

A-Rod acknowledged that he was struggling with these problems, but he also understood that he had to alter both his personal and professional lives—a goal he now holds dear.




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