After Tim Tebow The Clever Brandon Jacobs Wants To Return

Brandon Jacobs thinks he is better than Tim Tebow.

Mr. Brandon Jacobs with all due respect I think there are many out there who are better than Tom Tebow. However, I agree that if Tim can make a return after years why can’t you. Jacob also specified that he will take responsibility for the defence. Moreover, he can outrun Tim Tebow in every fucking thing you can think of.


What are we supposed to do now? Instead of Hall of Fames let’s have a return to games. Where all the ex-players from Brandon Jacobs to Kelvin Benjamin can be assessed to play again. Just like that NFL will add a new genre to the already existing football games. Well, I am clearly saying there is nothing more rubbish than this lame thought. But Brandon Jacob looks fit to me.


Brandon Jacobs can be the next defence player for New York Giants.

Jacksonville Jaguars have given a chance to Tim Tebow. Whereas nobody knows how this thing is going to be. On the other hand. Brandon Jacobs said he is ready for the play against Tim. What can I call it? Overconfidence or self-obsession, even I am not able to figure it out. But I am pretty sure that Jacob chose the worst inspiration in the world – Tim Tebow.


New York Giants defence is actually not that good. They need someone to strengthen it. I don’t think they will go the Jaguars way and recruit Brandon Jacobs. If things go this way then I want all the NFL superstars to make a comeback. Either we will make new teams or we can add a reservation factor to the team formation. You gotta admit that we can have a lot of fun this way. Also, Brandon can clear his issues with Tim Tebow in a better way.