Aaron Hernandez’s ex Accused Of Misappropriating $830,000 Trust Fund Set Up In 10yo Child’s Name

Aaron Hernandez’s ex accused of misappropriating $830,000 trust fund set up in 10yo child’s name

Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, Aaron Hernandez’s ex, said she was unable to pay the $10,697 invoice for the dancing classes for her 10-year-old daughter Avielle. The former fiance of the late NFL New England Patriots player requested a court-appointed trustee use a $830,000 trust fund set up for Avielle to settle the cost. The court-appointed trustee, attorney David Schwartz, rejected the proposal.

According to Schwartz’s calculations, Jenkins-Hernandez was already receiving funding from a separate source in addition to the trust fund. For Avielle’s daily expenses, she was receiving $150K or more annually from Hernandez’s NFL pension and Social Security. He was unable to comprehend why Jenkins-Hernandez required more.

Schwartz assessed how Jenkins-Hernandez had been using the money. The spending breaks down as follows:

  • $36,858 on clothing, including maternity wear
  • $39,347 on home goods
  • $25,577 shopping online
  • $11,792 in “self-care,” including gym fees and visits to hair and nail salons.

Attorney Robert O’Regan represents Schwartz in the legal battle, asserting that these expenses aren’t in Avielle’s best interest.

O’Regan said:

“There is reason to question whether the expenditures were for Avielle’s benefit. To be fair, this little girl should have a decent life with what her father left for her. No one would complain if there were reasonable expenses. We’re talking about over-the-top or otherwise unrelated expenses to Avielle.”

Jenkins-Hernandez believes that the money was not inappropriately spent and that it should be accessible to her whenever she wants it. Jenkins-Hernandez stated in an email to The Boston Globe that her children’s stability is her only priority.

“Since Aaron’s death, my sole focus has been on raising and providing as stable a life for my children as possible. All monies I have spent have been with this singular focus in mind, and this will continue to be my focus going forward.”

Before his legal issues, Hernandez and Jenkins-Hernandez dated for a number of years. Odin Lloyd, a guy dating Jenkins-sister, Hernandez was killed in 2013, and Hernandez, a former tight end for the New England Patriots, was arrested for the crime. He was charged in connection with the fatal drive-by shootings of Safiro Teixeira Furtado and Daniel Jorge Correia de Abreu as he awaited trial.

He was found guilty of killing Lloyd and given a life term in jail. In April 2017, he was proven innocent of the double homicide, but just a few days later, he committed suicide in his cell. He was 27.



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