Josh Giddey Is In Big Trouble As Minor Girl’s Family Is Not Cooperating The Investigation

Josh Giddey’s situation and his potential contact with a minor girl were the subject of an investigation, the Newport Beach Police Department said on Tuesday. According to the posts that were published online, this young woman’s name is Livv Cook; however, her complete name has not yet been disclosed. In an attempt to find out more about the Oklahoma City Thunder player’s involvement in all of this, the local police have made contact with her and her family.


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TMZ claims that she and her family did not consent to speak with the police. The police are unable to pursue their investigation into the events that occurred at a nightclub in the town almost a year ago because of this.

According to this source, Livv Cook’s family has no intention of destroying Josh Giddey’s career, which is also in line with what Andrew Bogut stated on Tuesday.

Furthermore, it implies that Livv Cook may have misrepresented her age to Josh Giddey when they first met. The reality of what happened and any specifics surrounding this will never be revealed to the public if the girl and her family refuse to assist with the investigation.

The lack of proof or evidence utterly destroys the case, regardless of whether this was consenting or even if it happened at all. Because his career is on thin ice, Josh Giddey is lucky that Livv Cook’s parents do not seem to be pursuing legal action against him.

Will Livv Cook’s parents continue to remain silent indefinitely?


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As of right moment, there doesn’t appear to be any evidence that Livv Cook’s family is unwilling to assist the authorities. That does not imply, though, that they will never speak with law enforcement.

Livv Cook’s family, according to TMZ, is reportedly still working to compile as much information as possible so that all the cards are in the game. Online allegations made against Josh Giddey imply that he intentionally engaged in sexual activity with a minor following the release of images and videos showing the two of them together.

Giddey is still in the dark because the NBA is looking into this as well, and their conclusions will be the most important.

It will be necessary for the league to take immediate legal action if they believe Josh Giddey violated the law while knowing that the girl was underage.

Josh Giddey has not discussed the incident with anyone thus far, but things are now going well for him. However, a comprehensive investigation into the player’s entire activity in the area will begin by the local law enforcement and media. The public will be informed of any conclusions they reach, which will support the current inquiry.

Throughout the 28 minutes that Giddey spent on the court against the Minnesota Timberwolves, he encountered a lot of hostility from Wolves supporters. The Thunder fell at Minnesota 106-103, despite his 10 points.

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