Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Story Behind The Burning Man And Denim Thongs Of Danica Patrick

Danica Patrick made it out of the Burning Man floodwaters safely last week, and she has the photos to prove it.

I haven’t visited Burning Man before. If I’m being completely honest, you couldn’t pay me enough to go. To everyone his or her own, but not for me.

It seems terrible to voluntarily travel to the desert for a week with 70,000 other individuals who haven’t showered in a month. Very bad.


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However, if Danica Patrick is wandering about Burning Man in what I can only characterize as a denim thong, then you might be able to convince me to go.

Danica Patrick Is Now Going Wild


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There is a lot to analyze in this performance by Danica Patrick, who could be the biggest wild card in all of sports. Seriously, she constantly twists my thinking into a pretzel.

What sort of person is she, for instance? She is with whom? What point of the political spectrum does she represent? Sincerely, I cannot place it.

She gets kicked off Instagram one day for being anti-vax, and the next she’s having a good time at Burning Man.


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She occasionally goes into the caves to use drugs with her ex-boyfriend Aaron Rodgers, but she also produces serious podcasts with a slight conservative slant.

I find Danica Patrick to be a complete mystery, but I adore it. There is nothing more you can ask for in the content game than someone who keeps you on your toes like she does.


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Danica could have easily given up racing and turned into an unremarkable former athlete who does little more than occasionally call an IndyCar race.

She decided to go extra strange at Burning Man instead by chopping up a pair of overalls made of denim. I’m grateful for that.

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