Former Cowboys Star Ezekiel Elliott Settles Suit Over Dog Attack Ahead Of Trial

Ezekiel Elliott, a former running back for the Cowboys, has resolved a lawsuit that was filed in July of 2021.

Former Cowboys Star Ezekiel Elliott Settles Suit Over Dog Attack Ahead Of Trial

An unprovoked assault by one of Elliott’s dogs allegedly left Jennifer Gampper with “severe and permanent injuries” during the summer of 2021, according to her claims. She demanded damages of more than $1 million.

Dallas Morning News reports that Gampper’s attorney acknowledged in a written statement that the litigation had “resolved.” He stated that he was unable to speak about the settlement’s specifics.

The initial account, which was published in May 2021, detailed how Elliott had received a citation when three of his dogs ran amok in Frisco, Texas, resulting in two persons being sent to the hospital with bite-related wounds.

According to Texas Code Title 25, one of the dogs, a rottweiler, who escaped and is probably to blame for the assault on the two victims, was subjected to a 10-day house confinement.

According to the lawsuit, while performing maintenance at the former Dallas Cowboys player’s residence at the time of the incident, he left a gate open, allowing the dog to escape and attack.

One of the main defenses in the case was that Ezekiel Elliott “was well aware that his dog had a propensity to bite and attack people” but failed to take the required steps to properly contain the animal. This was his pets’ third legal battle.

The three dogs were later discovered in Frisco’s Starwood neighbourhood, a residential area close to Elliott’s house.

This Monday’s 471st District Court jury trial was planned for this case. However, the Dallas Morning News’ Isabella Volmert was informed that the case had been “resolved.”

Three animal-at-large tickets were given to Ezekiel Elliott, and the Rottweiler was quarantined for a minimum of 10 days in order to be observed.

Despite the fact that the case has been resolved, Pablo Vela, a co-defendant of Ezekiel Elliott, is still unknown at this time. He is the owner of Perfect Synthetic Grass and a landscaper.




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