Who is TJ Bass girlfriend? His parents, family, contract, salary, networth

American football TJ Bass plays as Guard for the National Football League’s Dallas Cowboys. He attended college at the University of Oregon and played for his college team Oregon Duck football team. In his college, he is a seasoned offensive lineman who has filled a variety of roles for the Ducks. He has started for three seasons and has primarily played left tackle, although he has also started at left guard on the inside. He was selected by Dallas Cowboys as an undrafted free agent in the 2023 NFL draft.

TJ Bass

TJ Bass Girlfriend

TJ Bass is not married or engaged to anyone yet. He is currently not even dating or seeing anyone according to the sources present on the internet. Even his Instagram says the same thing. He is very open about his family and parents so we hope he’ll share the dating news as well.


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So for now it is safe to say that he is only dating his career and giving all his love and focus to his first love, football, and spending all the time on the ground.

TJ Bass Parents & Family

TJ was born on 03 March 1999 in Deming, Washington, United States. to parents Angie Bass and Travis Bass. TJ is very close to his parents and his parents are also very supportive and always supported him in his big decision. They always motivated him to pursue his dreams and become a football player.

He is not the only child of his parents as he has two siblings a brother named Anderson and a sister named Melissa.


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TJ Bass Salary & Networth

TJ Bass is currently playing as a guard with the Dallas Cowboys under a three-year contract for them $2,705,000. His estimated net worth is somewhere around $1 million to $5 million.


TJ Bass Jersey

TJ Bass is currently playing as a guard with the Dallas Cowboys and wears jersey number 66 with them.

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