Former Cowboys OC Kellen Moore Has Immense Respect For QB Dak Prescott

Few football players have spent more time with quarterback Dak Prescott of the Dallas Cowboys than Kellen Moore.

Prior to Prescott’s rookie season, Moore actually started the summer ahead of him on the depth chart when the two were teammates in 2016 and 2017.

Former Cowboys OC Kellen Moore Has Immense Respect For QB Dak Prescott

Moore continued working with Prescott with the Cowboys as their quarterbacks coach when he retired in 2018. He was elevated to offensive coordinator the following year and held that post for four years until parting company with the team and accepting the same position with the Los Angeles Chargers.

All of this is to suggest that Moore is quite familiar with Prescott.

Prescott received only positive feedback from the former Cowboys offensive coordinator, who also gave a direct assessment of his leadership abilities:

nfl-wordle-promotional-banner “The best person. I think the best leader I’ve ever been around, easily. And in all honesty, player or coach or anything. I think his ability to connect with a team in all spectrums is rare and I’ve never seen it in any other way. His work ethic, his command, I think he’s incredible.”

“We’ve all gone through that Dallas journey and he has a phenomenal way of being able to deal with probably more than your average NFL starting quarterback. And he handles it beautifully. He’s certainly a guy you forever root for.”




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