Illinois Youth Wrestler Sucker Punches Opponent After losing The Match

On April 8, the ‘Beat The Streets’ wrestling competition at Oak Park River Forest High School in Oak Park took an unpleasant turn when a young man sucker attacked his opponent out of anger after losing the match. The event is the subject of an investigation by the Oak Park police.

Illinois Youth Wrestler Sucker Punches Opponent After losing The Match

In a freestyle wrestling bout, Maine West High School’s Hafid Alicea fell against Cooper Corder of SPAR Wrestling Academy 14-2. The referee summoned the contestants to the middle of the mat, where they shook hands and Corder was declared the victor.

Alicea was not in the mood to concede defeat gracefully, so the young guy pretended to shake Corder’s hand before giving him a vicious sucker punch that knocked him to the ground. Just as Corders’ parents went to save their son and started shouting at the attacker, the referee led Alicea away.

According to TMZ Sports, Cooper Corder took a hit that shattered his nose, therefore he won’t need to use a protective face mask in any further fights. The two boys’ parents are helping the Oakland Park Police Department with their investigation.

Many high school sports supporters were outraged by the teenage wrestler from Maine West High School’s poor sportsmanship after the terrible occurrence at the ‘Beat The Streets’ wrestling competition on April 8.

A supporter asserted that the child’s parents should be held liable, saying:

“Hope his parents get sued and this kid gets assault charges.”

One user commented:

“It would be ridiculous if he doesn’t face criminal charges and be banned from athletics.”

Another user recommended the following punishments for Alicea:

“Ban him, bar any scholarships, and have his folks pay for damages. Kids these days are a nightmare, can’t deal with loss at all.”



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