Patriots Owner Robert Kraft At Odds With Hampton Officials Over Elevator In His Mansion

The $43 million seaside mansion owned by the 81-year-old millionaire Robert Kraft owner of the New England Patriots is fighting Southampton officials to install a lift because he claims to be “mobility impaired.”

However, some critics complain that the sports entrepreneur is avoiding the town’s strict zoning and architectural laws by referring to recent images of him spryly playing tennis and golf with his gorgeous fiancée.

Patriots Owner Robert Kraft At Odds With Hampton Officials Over Elevator In His Mansion

Attorney Mike Sendlenski stated at a Jan. 26 meeting of the local Zoning Board of Appeals that his client urgently need the lift for medical reasons.

“Doctors have advised him to limit his traversing stairs as much as possible,” he pleaded.

Dr. Mark D. Price, the team doctor for the New England Patriots, stated in an affidavit that, in his opinion, Robert Kraft’s “progressive knee pain” qualified as a “medical disability” under the Americans with Disabilities Act, necessitating the installation of a lift.

Given that Kraft was recently photographed playing tennis with Dana Blumberg, 49, in Sun Valley, Idaho, several villagers expressed outrage. Last October, the pair were hitched.

Images from February 2022 show Kraft playing golf at Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, California, before The Genesis Invitational.

Robert Kraft manipulated a $43 million Hamptons real estate sale, according to one irate resident. “If you Google ‘Robert Kraft tennis,’ you see recent photos of him playing tennis and you get this feeling they are just willing to do anything to win,” he said. In November 2021, Kraft’s up-and-down conflict started.

In a heated 3-2 decision in March 2022, the Architectural Review Board approved the lift, but Kraft now faces a more difficult struggle from the village’s zoning nabobs. He could bring an ADA lawsuit against the village.

At the January hearing, ZBA member Susan Stevenson snorted, “There is nothing subtle about this.” Members of the board stated that they would want the outside lift to be buried within the seven-bedroom, eight and a half-bath house at 40 Meadow Lane.

The argument put up by Team Kraft that an internal lift would cost $2.47 million and an external lift $1.16 million was rejected.



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