Who is Dennis Smith Jr. Girlfriend? His parents, family, jersey, salary

American professional basketball player Dennis Smith Jr. plays for the National Basketball Association’s Charlotte Hornets. He played college basketball for one season at North Carolina State University, when as a freshman he was named ACC Freshman of the Year and received second-team all-conference recognition.  Before playing one season of college basketball at North Carolina State, Smith Jr. was one of the best high school basketball players in the nation.

Dennis was selected by Dallas Mavericks in the 2017 NBA draft. And recently he signed a contract with Charlotte Hornet on 22 September 2022. Between 2017 to 2022 he played for various teams such as Dallas Mavericks, New york Kicks, Detroit Pistons, and Portland Trail Blazers respectively.

Dennis Smith Jr. Girlfriend

Dennis is a star player at Charlotte Hornets and he is not married or engaged to anyone yet. According to sources on the internet, he was in a relationship with Dominique Wilson. She was also a basketball player. He is currently not dating or seeing anyone according to the sources present on the internet. So for now it is safe to say that he is only dating his career and giving all his love and focus to his first love, basketball, and spending all the time on the court.

Dennis Smith Jr.

Dennis Smith Parents & Family

Dennis was born on 25 November 1997 in Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States to parents Dennis Smith Sr. and Helena Posia Owens. His mother left him and his father when he was young and he was raised by his father as a single parent. Dennis is very close to his father and his father also supported him in his every decision in life and cheer him up always in his matches.

Dennis Smith Jr.
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Dennis is not the only child of his parents. Dennis has one sibling named, De’Aira Smith. His little sister also plays basketball. They used to compete with each other in a game of basketball during their childhood.

Dennis Smith Jr. Salary

Dennis is under contract with Charlotte Hornets for $2,133,278. This is his 2022-23 season’s salary. His net worth is somewhere around $1 million to $5 million.

Dennis Smith Jr Jersey

Dennis is playing as a point guard with the Charlotte Hornets and wears jersey number 8 with them. Before Dennis 9 other players wore this jersey.

Dennis Smith Stats